We can custom print logos at our Seattle Facility with minimum quantity of 50 Masks. We offer quick turnarounds.

SwaddleDesigns Woven Cotton Face Masks
SwaddleDesigns founder is an RN and product designer, and she researched and read many studies as to the best fabric to use for cloth masks during the winter of 2020. One of the most recent studies, the Wake Forest study, concluded tightly woven 180 thread count cotton fabric and cotton flannel were recommended fabrics to filter particles and droplets. The Wake Forest study highlighted that masks made using cotton knit fabric, open weaves and polyester fleece fabrics are less effective and the Florida Atlantic University lab tests concurred.
It’s important to emphasize that knit fabrics have different fabric construction than woven fabrics, and woven cotton fabric is much more effective at filtration and stopping droplets than cotton knit fabrics. An example of knit cotton is T-shirt material. Knit is stretchy and when pulled the air spaces expand between the thread of the fabric. Woven cotton is like a cotton bed sheet and is stable or not stretchy when pulled on.
We found that 200 thread count woven cotton was too difficult to breath through, and 140 thread count plain woven cotton had a weave that was too loose which we could see by holding the fabric up to a light on the ceiling and seeing pinholes of light. So 140 thread count cotton is not a good substitute for 180 thread count woven cotton.
We make two types of woven cotton masks.
Our woven cotton flannel masks are made in the pacific northwest with cotton grown, milled and woven in the USA. Our cotton flannel is brushed on both sides of the fabric for softness for our baby blankets. The brushing and napping of the fabric entangles the fibers of the cotton which aids in the randomness of the fibers which helps with filtration.
Our woven cotton flannel masks are made with 2-layers of fabric and are shaped to swoop up over the bridge of your nose. The sides extend to fit smoothly against the skin on your cheeks, and the lower edge of the mask fits smoothly over your chin, sealing against your jaw line and down towards your neck. The center of the mask gives room for your mouth to move with talking. Our flannel woven cotton mask has two stretchy ear loops, and an elastic headband to keep the mask secure on your face so it won’t side down when talking. This benefit is a very important feature of the head elastic on our cotton flannel woven 2-layer mask.
Our 2-layer woven cotton flannel masks are available in three sizes. Large – for people with large faces, Medium fits most women and teens. And Child size for ages two to preteen. The Child size can also fit adults with small faces. The child size does not have head elastic for safety reasons with small children.
Our second type of woven cotton mask is made from 3 layers of 180 thread count plain weave cotton. This includes our chambray style masks, and our 3-layer masks features a bendable nose piece (plastic, not metal), a swoop up shape to fit high over the bridge of nose, a smooth fit to skin on cheeks and a fitted chin gusset that goes under your chin. It also has soft ear elastic, but no head elastic due to the nose piece helps to keep this style mask in place when speaking.
Our 3-layer woven cotton 180 thread count fabric mask comes in three sizes, large, medium and child size.
Our masks tested as very effective in the FAU lab.