Our Ultimate Swaddles are made with LOVE
in the USA from US Cotton Flannel.
Our exclusive pictorial swaddle instructions are sewn
to the edge of every swaddle blanket.
Cotton Flannel Ultimate Swaddles are perfect
for moderate to cool environments.
Our Marquisette & Muslin blankets
are made from soft, open weave cotton
and are great for warmer environments.
Fast drying
Whisper soft
Our Swaddle Blankets have many uses beyond swaddling:
Nursing cover, playmat, super hero cape, sun shield, burp cloth and more
If you choose to use a as a sun shield, be sure to leave one side (the shady side)
open for plenty of air flow and so you can see your baby.
Always place baby on back for every sleep including naps.
Every Newborn needs great Swaddle Blankets!