Our exclusive Omni Swaddle Sack®
is a great All-in-One Swaddle

It offers the most flexibility for baby’s best sleep,
with many options for arm positions.
It’s a Sleeping Sack with unique arms up
sleeves and an adjustable wrap.
The special 1/2 length sleeves have foldover mitten cuffs
that can be worn closed or open for self-soothing.
The 1/2 length sleeves provide partial suppression
of the Moro (startle) reflex.
Our Two-way Zipper makes it
easy to use.
You can access baby’s diaper without
unswaddling baby’s arms.
The adjustable wrap makes a snug swaddle
for your newborn’s best sleep.
If baby is showing signs of starting to roll over, do not restrain arms under wrap.
Instead, secure wrap around chest and tummy with arms up and out.
Always place baby on back for every sleep including naps.
Our exclusive Omni Swaddle Sack® is a great All-in-One Swaddle.