Soft Cotton zzZipMe Sacks
NON-weighted & respects AAP recommendations
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After your baby has fully transitioned from swaddling, usually around six months, but could be sooner, the next stage in safe sleepwear is a wearable sleep sack. Our cotton knit zzZipMe Sack wearable blanket is perfect for providing your child with a safe and comfortable night’s sleep. SwaddleDesigns sleeping sacks are designed with a two-way zipper that can zip up from the foot of the sack for quick and easy diaper changes, and they zip down from the top to easily place your baby inside or remove them from the sack. No struggling to fasten an inverted zipper at the neckline. We do not use weight in our fabric or a weight on the garment, because the AAP recommends no such weights for infant or baby sleeping garments. Arm holes in the sack keep baby securely inside the sack.
Your child will have full use of their arms in our sleeveless sleeping sacks, and no suppression of the Moro (startle) reflex. Baby can roll and the sack rolls with them. No loose blankets in the crib is a safer sleep environment for baby.
Our cotton knit sleeping sacks are perfect for sleep environments between 72 and 78 degrees F, and will keep baby comfortably warm without overheating.
Choose from a variety of colors and prints featuring sweet animal themes, bunnies, scottie dogs, foxes, and geometric patterns. Our cotton knit sleep sacks are available in three sizes, 0-6 months, 6 to 12 months, and 12 to 18 months, so you can find the perfect sack for your child.
Baby can wear just a diaper underneath the sleeping sack in very warm weather, and in more moderate ambient temperatures baby can wear a long sleeve or short sleeve bodysuit under the sack, and if the weather gets cooler, add leggings and socks. Baby can wear a long sleeve gown with elastic opening at the foot underneath the sack which makes diaper changes even faster, so you both can get back to sleep.